Aside from being a breathtakingly beautiful breed, Abyssinian cats can be a perfect loyal addition to your family. They are energetic, enigmatic, and full of life on their slender paws which will easily brighten up your life with just their sunny personalities alone. Abyssinian cats possess dog-like qualities in the sense of their desire to socialize, which means they can be quite clingy and will tend to follow you around the house just like dogs do.
Abyssinian cats are very intelligent and full of curiosity which makes them natural explorers. They will never leave any corner unexplored, therefore if you decide to have an Abyssinian cat in your house, be prepared for it to stick its pretty nose in every nook and cranny of your home.
Abyssinian cats are known for their agility especially in their younger years, therefore they will most likely prefer the space to climb and such. Regardless, they are still very easy to have in your home due to their affectionate and loving nature. Abyssinian cats can entertain themselves for hours with their toys and cat trees but they will also enjoy spending quality time interactive play with their owners.
Despite being clingy and active, the Abyssinian breed is not very vocal and they will only softly speak to you if they decide to make a sound.
It is understandable that as a cat owner, you want to give her the best life; therefore, here are some health concerns we summarized for you regarding your Abyssinian cat. The average lifespan of an Abyssinian cat is between 9 to 15 years, although they can live beyond 15 if their needs are adequately taken care of.
Health concerns of Abyssinian cats are mostly genetics or a common problem among domesticated cats. One of the most common health concerns of Abyssinian cats is their dental health, where they develop gum diseases due to the build-up of bacteria between their teeth. Such conditions can easily be prevented with proper dental care, such as brushing their teeth and feeding them dry food.
A hereditary health issue that Abyssinian cats will encounter is pyruvate kinase deficiency. Pyruvate kinase is a key regulatory enzyme in sugar metabolism, where its lack will cause intermittent anemia. This condition can appear in Abyssinian cats as young as six months and as old as 12 years. However, the good thing is that this deficiency can easily be removed from the gene pool since recessive genes cause it. Testing for PK deficiency and breeding away from it can eventually eliminate the disease from the Abyssinian breed.
Another health issue that concerns Abyssinian cats is progressive retinal atrophy that can lead to declining vision and, in some cases, total loss of sight. This is also a genetic problem that can be prevented with DNA tests.
You need to accommodate them with additional supplements and extra attention in their diet so that they can live a long, happy life with you. The dietary needs of Abyssinian cats are just as similar as other domesticated cats, which means they require a significant amount of protein, moderate fat, and low carbohydrate content in their daily consumption. Do not force a plant-based diet on your Abyssinian cat because it can be difficult for their system to digest.
Supplements can also be beneficial to an Abyssinian cat to get the perfect blend of nutrients for healthy growth and development. Balance of moisture is also crucial in the cat’s diet because many domesticated cats possess the unhealthy habit of not drinking enough water. This can lead to kidney problems in the long run, among other health problems. Apart from monitoring their water intake, you can feed them fresh, raw, or canned food to ensure they get an adequate amount of liquid in their daily diet.
When you purchase an Abyssinian cat from us, we will ensure that you are guided about their diet and care plan.
When you are looking for a furball companion to add to your family, we are sure you would be considering numerous factors such as its maintenance, dietary needs, and most importantly, its personality. Some people prefer gentle and quiet cats, and others prefer cats that can accompany their lives, just like the Abyssinian cats. Abyssinian cats are known for their clingy and playful personality, almost like dogs. Surprisingly, despite being a ball of fire, they do not speak very much, which some prefer over other loud pets.
Apart from their sleek, slinky build and clear ticked coat, their hyperactivity distinguishes Abyssinian cats. They are known as the clowns of the cat kingdom for that reason; they can make your days colorful with their antics. It is probably impossible for you to get bored of their amusing behavior. An Abyssinian cat is a playful pet; hence they are always on their toes. If you have the extra space, an Abyssinian cat shall be the perfect furball as your companion since they love to jump and are very curious about their surroundings. Having an Abyssinian cat in your home will surely brighten up your day.
If you are worried you will not handle their prolonged hyperactive behavior, fret not. Cats are still cats, and the Abys are no different from other breeds, except that they are extra playful than other breeds. They will start their hyperactive phase as early as two months old, as most other kittens would. When they reach their mature age of 2 years, they will slow down exploring. They do not stay super active their whole lives if that is what you’re worried about. But really, how can you say no to having such a mirthful creature scampering about in your house?
Abyssinian cats are not uncontrollably hyperactive. They are considered one of the most intelligent breeds out there. They love interactive puzzles such as feeder puzzles or any interactive toys to keep them occupied. Some people claimed to have trained their Abys to be put on a leash. They are brilliant. Therefore, you need to spend a little extra time on the little attention seekers and teach them, such as restricting their playing area to a designated spot where breakables are out of the way. The Abys would appreciate tree houses with multiple levels since they are avid climbers and explorers.
Being hyperactive does not mean they will only play all day long. Abyssinian cats are also very affectionate, which means yes, they are still cuddly cats. They will occasionally seek refuge in your arms if they feel like it. As mentioned before, these cats are very much alike to dogs. They will shadow you as you go about your daily life. They can be good, entertaining companions when you’re gardening, when you are preparing lunch in the kitchen, or even when you sit down for quiet reading. Most of the time, Abyssinian cats do need human attention due to their clingy nature. Still, they can also entertain themselves very well, whether with the toys you’ve provided or just exploring the space since Abyssinian cats are quite the adventurers. After all, they are still cats, and all cats will enjoy a chunk of solitary time on their own.
In a nutshell, the hyperactive personality of an Abyssinian cat is not as exhausting as it is painted to be. Being hyperactive is not an alarming concern. Instead, it is one of the traits you will love the most in Abyssinian cats. They are friendly little bundles of joy that will leave a deep mark in your lives, and you will create loads of beautiful memories together.

The thought of introducing a new Abyssinian kitten to your other pets can be intimidating. If you consider introducing an Abyssinian kitten to your home, rest assured that it will go well. The Abyssinian breed is affectionate and highly capable of interacting well not only with humans but with other animals as well.
Abyssinian kittens will be easy to introduce to the pets because of their friendly nature. They are very easy-going with new faces, and instead of being agitated or threatened, they tend to be curious and seek to engage with other pets and human beings.
Since the Abyssinian breed is very active and playful, they enjoy any form of company. Therefore, they will be happier with more friends to play with. Unlike most cats, Abyssinian cats have lesser territorial instincts and do not mind sharing the attention of family members with other animals. They see these interactions as opportunities to play and explore even more.
However, Abyssinian kittens will react according to their surroundings. If they feel threatened and the existing pet is being unfriendly, your Abyssinian cat may act aggressively defensive as a result. Therefore, your current pet needs an open personality and the Abyssinian kitten’s companion.
It’s a different story if your existing pet is just not keen on quick introductions. Introducing Abyssinian kittens to your pets must be done gently and not rushed. This will ensure a smooth transition for the new cat to your home and your existing pet to adapt, preventing unwanted fights. As cat owners, it is no surprise that not all cats can be friendly on the spot, but routine and repetition can ensure mutual understanding between the two. Monitor them while they sniff each other to get familiar with each other’s scents, but be ready for one of them to suddenly erupt if the other gets a little too close into its personal space. No worries, because Abyssinian kittens will always be friendlier in a new furry friend. If you are curious, yes, Abyssinian cats will get along pretty well with dogs due to their already dog-like personality, provided that the dog also comes from a social nature.
Although some Abyssinian cats can immediately accept your other pets, it might take from 2 to 6 weeks to ultimately settle in and get used to their new friends. This process cannot be rushed, but we assure you that the bonding and settling-in process is joyful and heartwarming to experience.
Abyssinian cats are such a beautiful work of art to look at. The trademark of the Abyssinian breed is the ticked effect of its fur; where their fur appears to be finely speckled, as well as giving off an iridescent effect. It causes their fur to look as if it changes colors in different lightings or with each movement of the cats.
Abyssinian kittens will be born with darker coats that will lighten as they mature. The common and officially recognized colors for Abyssinian cats are ruddy, sorrel, blue, and fawn.
A ruddy Abyssinian cat’s coat, for example, is a deep, reddish-brown with black-colored fur underneath. A sorrel Abyssinian cat, also sometimes described as red or cinnamon, has a sunny orange coat tinted with red undertones that differs them from ruddy-colored ones. A blue-colored Abyssinian cat appears to have a magnificent silvery, bluish coat with a warm beige base and a fawn-colored Abyssinian cat is a much lighter, almost pastel orange color with a soft, creamy peach base.
The kittens also have mesmerizing blue eyes, which will only gradually change into their respective colors when they turn around 5 months old. As they mature, the common colors that their eyes will turn into will be hazel, yellow, or green, according to their genetics and regardless of the color of their coats.
Abyssinian cat and British Shorthair Cat Compare – which breed is good for you.

"Abyssinian cat and British Shorthair Cat Compare – which breed is good for you. "Deciding on what breed of cat you want to bring home can be hard with all the adorable options available. We can assure you that an Abyssinian cat is a breed you should definitely consider, especially if you are looking for options other than the British Shorthair. While they are both loyal breeds, they are polar opposites. A British Shorthair definitely has a more mellow personality that is only enough to be considered as silent company. They are not too keen on playing since they prefer to spend their time being by themselves instead. They can be calm as cucumbers if you pick them up to snuggle with them, and they will adore you just as much as you adore them. However, the presence of an Abyssinian cat is sure to liven up your home with its playful antics, and you will still get loads of affection with their friendly company throughout the day. You will win the best of both worlds with Abyssinian cats. Therefore we highly recommend the lively Abyssinian cats for families, with or without kids, as the family companion. As an influential Abyssinian cat breeder in Selangor, Malaysia, we ensure that you get the Abyssinian cats you want and need.

Moving can be a stressful process for cats, considering the change of environment they have to adapt to. Car rides can also be traumatising to some furry pals. The very first thing you should do is to make sure the kitten is confined in a carrier all the way to avoid any blowup that can cause it even more stress. Only release it once you have reached home.
Introducing them to your home must be done without rush. You have to consider the kitten’s previous surroundings and condition. It is already well-established how attached the Abyssinian breed is, therefore the kitten might still be dealing with separation issues from its breeder or mother. You must allow it some time and space to completely adjust itself to your home.
On its arrival, you must first ensure that other pets are not present in the room to prevent the Abyssinian kitten getting overwhelmed and lashing out. Let it come out of the carrier on its own will and try to encourage it out with food and water. The kitten might be shy at first and hide under furnitures or jump on top of tall ones as an attempt to hide, but as mentioned before, give it space to explore the space at its own pace. Be careful to not do anything that might startle them.
However, do make sure that there are no openings for it to rush outside of your home because this can be dangerous for the kitten since it is an unfamiliar area for it. You can let the kitten out only after it has completely adjusted to your indoor surroundings, which can take up to at least a month, and introducing them outdoors should also be done slowly.
It is essential for you to make sure it knows that you are present, to show that you can be trusted while the kitten slowly adapts itself to your home. You should spend several peaceful hours with the kitten at the beginning, in order for you to gain its trust. Encourage it to the litter box, for instance, and try to give them a few gentle pats to calm it down. Don’t forget to provide it with some sort of sleeping arrangement, and it is always safe to provide a few options, from a fancy cat bed to a simple cardboard box that no cat can ever resist. This can provide a sense of reassurance to your Abyssinian kitten and easing them into your home.
It is common for cats to behave aggressively when they first arrive at a new place, such as refusing to use litter boxes, excessive vocalising or refusing to eat, but don’t worry too much, and keep on encouraging them gently, reassuring them that your home is a safe space for them to settle down. This behaviour wouldn’t last very long, but it all boils down to your coaxing and the surroundings of your home

The thought of introducing a new pet to your home can be intimidating, especially if you already have other pets roaming the place. If you are considering to introduce an Abyssinian kitten to your home, rest assured that it will go well. The Abyssinian breed is affectionate and highly capable of interacting well not only with humans, but with other animals as well. Abyssinian kittens will be easy to introduce to the household because of their friendly nature. They are very easy-going with new faces and instead of being agitated or threatened, they tend to be curious and seek to engage with other pets as well as human beings. Since the Abyssinian breed is very active and playful, they enjoy any form of company therefore they will be happier with more friends to play with. Unlike most cats, Abyssinian cats has lesser territorial instincts and does not mind sharing the attention of family members with other pets. They see these interactions as opportunity to play and explore even more. However, Abyssinian kittens will react according to their surroundings. If they feel threatened and the existing pet is being unfriendly, your Abyssinian cat may act aggressively defensive as a result. Therefore, it is essential for your existing pet to have an open personality as well
to the Abyssinian kitten’s companion. It’s a different story if your existing pet is just not keen about prompt introductions. Introducing Abyssinian kittens to yourhome must be done gently and not rushed. This will ensure smooth transition for the new cat to your home and for your existing pet to adapt, preventing any
unwanted fights. As cat owners, it is no surprise that not all cats can be friendly on the spot but routine and repetition can ensure the formation of mutual understanding between the two. Monitor them while they sniff each other to get familiar with each other’s scents, but be ready for one of them to suddenly erupt if the other gets a little too close into its personal space. No worries, because Abyssinian kittens will almost always be the friendlier one in a new furry friendship. If you are curious, yes, Abyssinian cats will get along pretty well with dogs due to their already dog-like personality, provided that the dog also comes from a social nature. Abyssinian cats will take from 6 to 12 months to completely settle in and get used to your home. This process cannot be rushed but we assure you that the bonding and settling in process is joyful and heartwarming to experience.
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